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                  Van de norfolkterrierclub.co.uk

                  donderdag 20 juni 2013 om 21:09

                  In 1989 volgde ik mijn vader op in zijn beroep als leraar, en toen ik in 1996 webmaster werd, volgde mijn vader mij op in de functie van webmaster :-) Grappig hè? (Oh, en ondertussen, waren zijn vader èn zijn grootvader beide typograaf en boekzetter ;-) Ja, it runs in the family ;-)) Enfin. Deze tekst verscheen bij het afscheid van mijn vader als webmaster van de norfolkterrierclub.co.uk:

                  In 1997 at our AGM in the Welland Valley Hall, someone suggested that we should appoint a webmaster, and everyone in the audience fell about laughing. What was a webmaster, something to do with spiders?

                  How things have changed. It was decided in 2003 that the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB needed to have a website. Sally Willbie and Cherry Howard volunteered at a committee meeting that they could produce photographs and relevant material. Frauke Hinsch from Germany suggested that Professor Piet van der Klis, the man who created her website might be able to help as webmaster as he was just about to retire from his job as a lecturer in the Netherlands.

                  Right from the start he has guided us, although he warned that he was not a professional, everything he has done has been of the highest calibre. He designed the whole website and added many tips and hints of his own, and wonderful animations.

                  We have sent him photographs, articles, lists and countless amendments at all times of day and night, which he has meticulously updated every time. He has been so patient with our lack of web site expertise and in all these ten years has worked just for his expenses.

                  We are deeply grateful to him.

                  There is a vast amount of information now available about the breed, and past years can be looked up in Archives.

                  Our threesome was rewarded by winning the Terrier Group in the Dog World Website competition in 2012.

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